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Officer composition


Takue Uchida, Shigenori Tani, Satoshi Matsueda, Toshio Torii


Naoya Ikeda, Yasutaka Imai, Tomoyuki Sugano (Representative Director), Junichi Misshiba


Masaomi Tokuda


2009-2016 The late Tokiharu Okazaki purchased approximately 450 ha of forest in Hokkaido and Shizuoka prefecture.

2012 Established Fumiharu Forestry Co., Ltd.

2015 Tokiharu Okazaki passes away Fumieko Okazaki takes over

2017 Establishment of Fumiharu Forest Foundation General Incorporated Foundation

2022 Transfer of Okazaki family forest assets to foundation

Forest overview

(As of the end of 2022)

Hiroo Town, Hokkaido 118ha

Taiki Town, Hokkaido 260ha

Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture 65ha

By taking over forests that can no longer be managed by individuals or companies through donations from owners, and managing them to increase biodiversity, we will contribute to the restoration of rich ecosystems and the revitalization of local economies.

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