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"Seika no Mori"

Forest age composition 60 years from now

We have created a long-term plan for a 50-60 year cycle and are working to maintain a diverse forest structure in perpetuity.

Long term policy

Operation policy

Consideration for landscape and biodiversity
Standards for forest operations

In forest operations,
We will also consider standards for improving biodiversity.

​The following contents are
The representative director of our foundation quotes "「木質バイオマス資源の持続的活用による再生可能エネルギー導入計画~木質チップボイラー導入による、エネルギー・生態系の循環と森業モデルの構築~」", which was commissioned by Taiki Town in March 2018.

The operating standards of "Seika no Mori" are the "standards considered at this time" as they are.

View case studies

Every year, we plan operations and income and expenditure forecasts for the next 5 years.

Based on a long-term plan 60 years from now,
Plan the work areas for the next five years for each forest.
We also plan income and expenditure forecasts based on recent business results.

Medium-term plan

Forest management

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