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Forest management


Multilayer forest of "Seika no Mori"
Tomoyuki Sugano ProfilePhoto

Representative Director, Fumiharu Forest Foundation

Tomoyuki Sugano

Tomoyuki Sugano

Born in Maebashi City, Gunma Prefecture in 1960 (Showa 35)

Growing up in the still rural landscape of Mitaka, Tokyo

1979 (Showa 54) Entered the Department of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Research on the ecology of large wild animals such as deer and serows and forest damage prevention

Representative of the student volunteer organization "Escape Damage Protection Student Corps"

1983 (Showa 58) Graduated from Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Forestry

1984 Research student (Furubayashi Laboratory)

April 1984 Joined Forestry Agency, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

1984-1985 Forestry Agency Forest Conservation Division

1985-1987 Nagoya Forestry Branch Shinjo Forestry Station Taguchi District Chief

1987-1989 Aichi Prefecture Inabu Town Hall Forest Policy Section Chief

1988-1990 Forestry Agency Leadership Division Forest Thinning Countermeasures Office Planning and Coordination Section Chief

1990-1992 Planning Section Chief, Forestry Cooperative Division, Forestry Administration Department, Forestry Agency

1990-1992 Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Structural Improvement Bureau, Unevenness Prevention Office

1992-1997 Deputy Chief Researcher, Higashi Mikawa Area Research Center

1997-1999 Managing Director, Kit Corporation Co., Ltd.

1999-2000 Toyota Motor Corporation Greening Division Section Manager

October 2000: Established Logwell Japan Co., Ltd. Representative Director


April 2012 - Forestry Engineer (Forest Evaluation Department)

October 2018 - He is a Forester (General Forest Supervisor)

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